About us

Our Story

The inspiration for Tomagiallo originated from the owner's return to his hometown in Mount Lebanon. Armed with substantial expertise in crafting healthy recipes and developing menus, the owner, Nabil, and his wife, grappled with the challenges of maintaining a healthy diet with their busy lifestyle.

Confronted with time constraints and the additional hurdle of his wife's unfamiliarity with cooking, Nabil embarked on a mission to create a solution. After two years of dedicated testing and innovation, Tomagiallo was born—a line of ready-made, healthy sauces crafted to save time and assist individuals, particularly those with hectic schedules or limited culinary skills, in preparing nutritious meals.

In its solid commitment to delivering superior quality while prioritizing environmental preservation and ensuring the sustainability of small farmers, Tomagiallo joined forces with the Non-Governmental, Non-Profit Organization Halardelna. Together, they actively support and empower small-scale farmers in the natural cultivation of tomato plants, avoiding chemicals, fertilizers, and pesticides.

The recipes developed at Tomagiallo reflect a dedication to 100% natural ingredients, without any additives or preservatives. The focus is on incorporating natural products such as olive oil and fresh herbs. Through these practices, Tomagiallo ensures the delivery of wholesome and high-quality products while promoting sustainable farming practices that prioritize both environmental health and the well-being of local farmers.

Tomagiallo's purpose is to cater to the needs of individuals leading busy lives, health-conscious consumers, and those with limited culinary knowledge.

By offering a quick and healthy solution, Tomagiallo seeks to empower individuals to easily integrate wholesome meals into their daily routines.

  • Are you a fan of Lebanese cuisine?
  • Do you lead a busy lifestyle?
  • Are you a health-conscious person?
  • Do you want to cook in 15 min?

    Try our Innovative Natural Ready Lebanese Stew Sauce, it’s easy, fast, and tasty. With Tomagiallo Sauce, you can’t go wrong….

    Cook Lebanese Dishes in 15 min

    • Cook the vegetables or Meat
    • Add the Sauce and boil it for 5 min
    • Bon Appetit

        Our Vision

        Tomagiallo, emerged in 2023 with a primary objective

        “To provide individuals with innovative, convenient,
        healthy, & flavourful culinary options.”